Julian Ryall
Julian Ryall
Julian Ryall never expected to still be in Japan 24 years after he first arrived, but he quickly realised its advantages over his native London. He lives in Yokohama with his wife and children and writes for publications around the world.

Eighteen people have been injured by what is believed to be a single dolphin, which experts said might be acting out because it is ‘lonely’.


The initiative comes in response to the perceived inaction of the Japanese government, which has been criticised for not taking a firm stance on the abduction issue.


The visit to China by Japanese lawmakers is an attempt to resurrect the countries’ regular exchanges that were halted amid the pandemic.


The decision stems from January’s Noto Peninsula earthquake, which destroyed communities and limited rescue teams’ access into affected areas.


Rising water temperatures, associated with changes in ocean currents, bring marine life typically found in more southerly latitudes up the east coast of Japan.

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